“For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”Mat 7:14

Sinner's Prayer

Posted on January 29, 2019 by Don Britton

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There is no where in the Bible that anyone ever prayed a "sinner's prayer", was ever told to pray a "sinner's pray" or ever used a "sinner's prayer" to be saved. Many people think that they are saved because someone told them that they had to pray a "sinner's prayer" to ask Jesus to come into their heart, but there is no such instruction anywhere in the Bible concerning salvation.

From ancient times, the Scriptures instructed men everywhere to seek God earnestly in order to find Him. Men were told to be broken for their sins and to come to the Lord in humility and to seek Him in repentance and brokenness, in order to find Him and be saved. This practice was followed by most all gospel preachers until the late 1800s. Before that time, men who preached the gospel normally never told a seeker that he was saved but told the seeker to earnestly seek God until he was reborn by the power of the Holy Spirit. Before that time, it was usually understood that the salvation process could take some time. It could be rather quick or may take hours, days or even weeks for men to seek God, count the cost of giving up one's life, come to repentance, be broken and completely surrender to God. But in the early 1900s, Billy Sunday changed all this and reduced this very important time of repentance and seeking God into "just come forward and shake his hand". He then told whoever did this that they were born again. Billy Sunday had a referral card with a printed commitment that was to be signed by the "new convert" and sent to a pastor for follow up. This printed commitment on the referral card was later taken and made into the first "sinner's prayer." So, after this when people came forward to receive Jesus, they were often taken into a room for counseling to see if they were really sincere. If the counselor decided that they were really sincere, he would lead them in a simple "sinner's prayer" and told them that they were now saved and born again. Other ministers began to use this method more and more during the early 1900s, because it shortened the "salvation process" from seeking God with repentance in order to find Him, into a quick and easy "salvation method" that saved preachers a lot of time and effort, so they could now make "instant" converts. In the 1950s, the most popular American evangelist of all time continued with this method and had people come forward to receive Jesus. He then would have them go into rooms with counselors and be led in a "sinner's prayer." But as the crowds grew in greater numbers, this well-known evangelist eliminated the counseling process altogether, gathered the huge crowds up front, and then he himself prayed the "sinner's prayer" for the masses and then told them that they all were saved and that they all had eternal life. As a result of this, there was no longer any counseling, nor follow up, nor discipling of the "new converts." It has been reported that most all of those "converts", from those huge meetings, fell away and never amounted to anything. Yet most of them probably thought they were going to heaven, since this well-known and very popular evangelist told them they were saved and had eternal life because of the "sinner's prayer", even though virtually none of the biblical requirements to be saved were met.

Today we are told by most preachers and Bible teachers that Jesus has done everything for you and that you don't have to do anything to be saved except "just believe in and accept Jesus". And they go on to say that if you do believe that you should pray the "sinner's prayer" asking Jesus in your heart and then you are born again. But I ask you, is that what the Bible says?

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord (just praying words),' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will (obedience) of My Father who is in heaven will enter. (Matt. 7:21) "Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple. (Luke 14:27) And someone said to Him, "Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?" And He said to them, "Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. (Luke 13:23,24)

It is very sad that in the end many will seek to enter heaven but will not be able to, because they trusted in the "sinner's prayer" which was invented by man. The will of God was never about praying a so-called "sinner's prayer", but about repentance from sin, totally devoting oneself to the Lord with a whole heart and enduring to the end. Without being born again and living a life of obedience to God, no one will ever see heaven. The "sinner's prayer" has misled countless people to believe that they have done ALL they need to do to be saved. If you have fallen into this trap, I hope that you seek God, repent of your sins and serve the Lord with a whole heart before it is too late.

Don Britton



Comment by JULIE WEST on Tuesday, October 26, 2021...

I believe what you have written to be very true especially in the south because so many people have grown up going to church as a social event. Not as much in today’s times. I pray for many that I know that think they will go to heaven. Some think they are a good guy or girl or they live within the law they will get to heaven. my own sister prays but has no real relationship with the Father. She doesn’t attend church or do Bible study and no one can make you want to do so. I’m thankful that Myself though a sinner, know I’m forgiven & I do love His word and learning more & more about Him. I’m blessed that my husband is like me.
The way I found my way to your site is through a notecard that I bought at a farmhouse inTN last year with a barn out back selling all kinds of stuff. I bought 2 note cards there one with a mule drawing the other a buggy. I love the artwork you did & enjoyed reading what you had written on the back of the cards. The lady said you were a neighbor or friend or both.

Comment by DON BRITTON on Friday, February 18, 2022...

Julie, thank you for your comments. Yes so many people have a social relationship with religion without a personal relationship with the Lord. And they were fooled into believing that if they prayed the "sinner's prayer" that they had a relationship with the Lord. This is such a dangerous and false concept that has deceived millions of people. It is dangerous because once they think they have the Lord they will no longer seek to find Him or seek to know HIs will in order to obey Him to be saved.

May the Lord Bless you,
Don Britton
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